Handling Dangerous/Defective Products Claims in Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and Beyond into New Jersey
Serving Clients throughout the Lehigh Valley
Dangerous products put every consumer who uses them at risk. Such innocent seeming items as hairspray, when it combusts, have caused serious bodily injury, despite proper use. If you have been injured because of a defective product, you have the right to pursue a personal injury claim.
At The Margolis Law Firm, we have extensive experience handling product liability claims and Steven J. Margolis, Esq. has a long track record of success winning settlements and jury awards for his clients. We are here to help make sure that your voice is heard.
Were You Injured by a Defective Product?
At The Margolis Law Firm, Steven J. Margolis, Esq. has won settlements or jury awards of one million dollars or more. We represent plaintiffs in a wide range of product liability claims, including those involving:
Home power tools
Chemical products
Household products
Many defective product suits arise from situations in which a product was modified without including necessary safety features. Improper labeling or warning tags can play a part in causing a personal injury or wrongful death as well.
Determining Liability
Steven J. Margolis, Esq. will thoroughly investigate your personal injury circumstances and work to determine who is at fault for the injuries you have suffered. The party at fault might be the product’s manufacturer; however, investigation might show that a product was later altered by the seller, or improperly assembled by an assembler. In any event, we will determine who that party is and pursue the recovery to which you are entitled.
Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation Today
Have you been injured due to a design defect or dangerous product? Contact us online or by telephone today at (610) 438-4244 to speak with a highly qualified defective product lawyer.